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Lesson Learned While Riding a Bicycle Across the Country: Never Doubt

Today when I slipped the front tire of my bike into the Atlantic Ocean at the St. Augustine Pier, it was with a mix of surreal elation. Surreal in that I actually rode a bicycle nearly 3,000 miles across the country and elation because finally, after 57 days, this journey is history. I've appreciated many things since leaving the Oceanside Pier May 1. And while I may have questioned myself more than several times in the last eight weeks, this I learned: never doubt. If something is important, just do it. And this experience was important. The real winner thanks to the generosity of so many, is the Warriors Heart Foundation and the scholarship money raised in this effort; in future weeks I will be detailing the amount earned. I've sweated buckets, battled many miles of hills, shared skinny bicycle lanes with thousands of trucks and cars, fought fatigue, questioned my sanity, and have loved it all. The people met and scenes encountered are forever etched. Today was a triumph because of the goodwill and donations of so many. But heading a long thank you list is my travel partner Dave Rickabaugh and the incredible Fountain Hills Rotary Club and the Four Peaks Rotary Club that provided not just generous donations to Warriors Heart, but inspiration to me. Finally, today was a triumph because of the patience and quiet support of my wife Susan, to whom I promise: next summer I won't go on a long bike ride.  

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