A Once-In-A-Lifetime Chance Reunion
When I was 15 years-old I spent two and a half months on a farm in Nebraska. That experience changed my life and taught me lessons I've never forgotten. Today, in an incredible alignment of the stars, I met with part of the family I spent that summer with -- my "other big brother," Rolen Sell, and his wonderful wife Betty Jo. Somehow on my cross-country bike ride, my route has crossed path's with Rolen's, who leads his church group from Nebraska on a missionary pilgrimage every year to the Corpus Christie, TX area where they spend a week repairing battered homes. Today Rolen's route and mine intersected in New Brunsfels, TX. So while today's reunion slowed my cross-country bicycle jaunt, I would not have missed this chance for all the money in the world. I learned so much from Rolen as a 15 year-old, and I'm still learning from him today. Thank you, Rolie!