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As May 1 draws closer and closer, I'm finding myself sometimes engulfed in a type of high anxiety. There are lots of questions with few clear answers: Why am I doing this? Why am I subjecting myself to being away from home for two months? Am I really up for this? Can I withstand averaging 50 miles a day for 60 days on a bicycle in extreme temps and rugged terrain? Can The Dude put up with me for that long? Will my two dogs remember me when I return? Will my wife?

Warriors Heart plays a huge role, of course; it's deeply gratifying to help such a deserving cause. But then there are times such as today on a training ride when I catch myself thinking, "Holy sh*t! There's no turning back now. This thing is really gonna happen! What if I can't make it...!"

Self doubt raises its ugly head easily, especially when sucked into the age thing. Seventy years-old is, well...old. Or at least it used to be, back when I was a kid, But there are so many inspiring stories of people in later life who reach out and do something different, something unusual. Waking up in the middle of Louisiana on my 70th birthday with another 800 miles to pedal to reach my destination, somehow sounds really cool.

So screw the anxiety. I'm gonna revel in the now. Revel in the idea that I'm doing this simply because I can.

Bring it on.

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